Category Archives: Giraffes

Giraffe Leaping

Did you know that we giraffes enjoy leaping?  Probably never thought about it, but we do.  We are actually pretty good at it.  Some say we can leap better than frogs, but I do not want to argue about that.  Sometimes people get the idea that we giraffes are somehow limited in our abilities, and dismiss our athletic skills.  Witness that they do not let us play professional sports!  Have you ever seen a giraffe allowed to play American football?  Even though we are the best kickers?  Or European soccer?  See my point?  It is actually a conspiracy.  We can do many things were are not given credit for.

We giraffes can leap better than frogs, but we are humble about it...

We giraffes can leap better than frogs, but we are humble about it…

Who Deserves a Giraffe Kick?

There are some people out there in the world, and you know who they are, that deserve a giraffe kick.  Can you for a

We Giraffes can kick baby!

We Giraffes can kick baby!

moment picture that person in your life you would like to see this happen to?  Sometimes it is an entirely different species other than yourself.  To me, Lions all deserve a giraffe kick.  However, in the world of humans, there are several more for their useless actions in deceptive practices.

Here is a list of a few that I think deserve a good ol’ giraffe kick:

1) All the members of the Rinaldo Orfeo Circus that not only captured a giraffe, tried to make him perform in their circus and allowed him to escape and run around the city streets endangering his life!   Then they shot him with tranquilizers and took him back to a zoo!  The giraffe later died from a heart attack!  All of them deserve a kick, and another kick, and another! Here is the story on that nasty episode.

2) Mark Nisbet, owner of Eudora Farms in SC.  They let a giraffe go to a tree lighting ceremony, where he got spooked with cannon fire!  Very mean!  Here is the story of that nasty incident.

3) Zoo Keepers at the Mogo Zoo deserve a swift kick.  They recently crated a giraffe and drove him through the streets of Sidney and made an embarrassing spectacle of him. Here is that sad story.

4) The Zoo Keepers at the Vancouver Zoo had three Giraffes die recently, which is just disgusting!  They not only are under investigation from the Giraffe Liberation Front, they are just sick people.  Here is the story about this brutal incident.

5) Finally, here is a group that really deserves a kick!  The staff at Zoo Atlanta.  A giraffe was reported to have ‘un-expectantly’ died there recently.  Really?  This sounds too suspicious.  Here is that sad tale.

So when it comes to being mean to giraffes, I think those people deserve a kick.  This is my humble opinion.  I welcome yours.

Giraffe gets crated in Sidney!

Giraffe gets crated in Sidney!

Do you have Dain Bramage?

You might be wondering it you have brain damage after you read some of my blog posts.  Some of them may not make sense to you.  Why should it?  I am a giraffe, and I am coming at you from a very high altitude!  Trust me, I see things differently.

You might have brain damage if you think that not being a member of the Giraffe Liberation Front is a safe thing to be.  Did you know that Lions are out there in the world?  Did you know that most giraffes do not fully realize that lions eat giraffes?  They do!  Never trust a lion!

Your best protection against lions is to become a member of the Giraffe Liberation Front on Facebook.  Trust me.  I founded the group several years ago, and at present we have over 1000 members.  In all those years, I have not been eaten by a lion.  So therefore, the group has worked!  Does this make sense?  So what are you waiting for!  Join today!

giraffe tongue 1

Join the Giraffe Liberation Front, and let everyone you know that you have. They will know you do not have dain bramage!  Save yourself!  Unite!

My 2012 New Years Resolution to Offend

“I have decided that my New Year’s resolution in 2012 will be simply: To Offend.  I want to offend as many people as I can.  That is my new ambition.  I will call your favorite celebrity out on the carpet and promote their flaws, and anger you.  That is what I will look for.  I will portray the religious leader with bird droppings, and the sacred texts as toilet paper.  I will seek to find photos of everyone, including myself in the most embarrassing moments.  If I make you blush, I will be rewarded.” ~ Toodles G. Raffe

I look forward to 2012. You can bet your trembling nervous butt on it!

I first penned the above paragraph in December of 2010, with plans to post this on my blog around that time.  However, I did not.  I held back because I was not sure entirely that it would be understood, and so therefore in a rare momemt of restraint, I withheld my publishing of that post.

Now a whole new year has passed, and our planet is in no better shape or condition for it.  Giraffes are still locked up in zoos, and mysteriously murdered by caring ‘zoo keepers’.  Lions roam free to murder giraffes in Africa, and no one seems to give a rip.  Well, I do!  I am a giraffe, and this offends me!

Therefore, I have decided that in 2012 I will do more than just offend.  I will really offend.  My plan is to expand my blog to a new format, and a new

Do you hear hoofsteps?

design.  I will probably transfer over some of these old blog posts that have become such favorites.  However, I will be taking on new projects as well in 2012.  I will not just be bringing you interesting things to read about, but I also plan to publish comprehensive works on the Giraffopia Philosophy.

So in 2012, you might see early in the year a shift in the force.  A change in my blog, and a tremble in the earth.  Don’t worry, it is just me freeing a thousand more giraffes from the local zoo, and upsetting the status quo.  Ride the wave if you like it, and spread the word.


Virgin Forever… Yeah Right…

I just had to post this one.  Could not help it.  Some people really think that they will stay a virgin forever, and it is probably true with some people.  There is actually a condition for this. It is commonly called ‘Ugly’.  That translates into many languages as ‘Virgin forever’ including my native tongue Giraffe.

However there is always someone willing to throw a bag over someones head, and well go at it to resolve the condition.  I will let you fill in the graphic details on your own in regards to that.  After all, we are all entitled to our own creepiness.

So what is the point of this blog post?  Well, yesterday I was driving down the road.  (I thing a little giraffe like myself should not do, or so people tell me…)  Anyways, I was driving down the road and I observed the person in front of me having a special license plate that translated to me ‘Virgin Forever’ or so it seemed.

I mean it was written ‘VGN4EVR’ so what the hell else could it mean?  ‘Vegan Forever’ maybe, but I doubt it somehow.  After all, if you look closely, the rear end was smashed in.  So this ‘Virgin‘ or ‘Vegan’ took it in the rear…  the perfect paradox I suppose.

Anyway, here are the photos to prove I am not halucinating:

'Virgin Forever', or 'Vegan Forever'... In either case, they took the meat in the rear didn't they?

Oh, yeah... that looks like a virgin meat lover, doesn't it?

Maybe the driver is really ugly?


Top 10 Reasons to ‘Unfriend’ Me on Facebook

Having an abundance of friends on facebook is cool.  Trust me, I have over 1200 at this point.  You can check me out at: Facebook/ToodlesGRaffe. However, I do not think many people consider the dangers of having me as a friend.  I am sometimes a little too outragious for everyones taste.  Therefore, I have prepared a list of the top 10 reasons to ‘Unfriend’ me on Facebook:

10) I do not like Lions.  I make many jokes, and postings that would be considered in poor taste for Lions Lovers.

9) I am perfunctory.  I change my mind and don’t care if it makes sense to everyone.  It makes sense to me, at least at that moment.

8 ) I like a good fart joke.  I am also prone to bathroom humor, and will freely share it with others, in at the wrong moment.  My timing is often awful.

7) I am convinced Bigfoot lives in the woods behind my house, and I often go hunting for him with a potato gun.  In doing so, I once shot a poodle and a sheep dog.  I consider it their fault, because they were pretending to be Bigfoot and should have known better.

6) I have my own cat experimentation labratory in my basement.  I will willingly ‘cat sit’ for you, but you may not like the way your cat looks or acts once you get him or her back.  If you get them back, that is.

5) In the summer I often dig up my neighbors septic tank and go swimming in it.

4) I hold naked parties at my house and schedule them to be held at your house without your knowledge.

3) I believe Giraffes are the superior species on planet earth, and are in fact radio receivers of the gods.

2) I toss salmon.  Often I do this in social unacceptable situations, and create a trouble in doing so.

1) Finally, I like to make people laugh.  Some people do not like to laugh, and are essentially weenies about it.  I do not care if you like it or not, my goal is to make people laugh, and laugh often.  So this above all things I have placed as #1.  If you can’t handle the laughter, unfriend me now!

I can understand why I make you nervous.  So hey, go ahead and ‘unfriend’ me.  I understand.

Still want to be my friend?  We will see.


Giraffes Drink Urine Sometimes… So what?

Too much for your to comprehend...

Giraffes drink urine sometimes… so what What is the big deal?  Are you so squeemish that you cannot handle it?  I meam we are sophisticated creatures, far above your ability to comprehend our superiority.  Why should I bother to explain to you that we are simply recycling? 

But more than just that, we regard each other urine as being so important and sacred that it should not be just thrown on the ground.  So if there is not another creature to pee on, we will slurp it up and save it for later.  We help each other out in that way.  Why do you feel I need to explain this?  Are you such a pathetic human?

There is NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS PRACTICE! And not all giraffes do this.  Only the ones who want to reload fast so they can pee on others!


Giraffe Proctology & the ‘Flag Pole’ Method

The flag pole method used by Giraffe proctologists is very uncomfortable!

I for one do not want to tread too deeply into a delicate and personal subject of Giraffe proctology, however, I thought this might warrant an interesting discussion topic. The ‘Flag Pole’ method has been widely criticized by Giraffes as being too invasive when trying to resolve modern constipation problems.

Because Giraffes are tall, there is a common misconception that a flag pole needs to be used to bring relief in these situations, assuming that Giraffes are different in this department than other mammals. I can assure you that this is not the case.

If the pole were not enough, then a flag is hoisted in the process, which makes it very uncomfortable! A kinder and gentler approach seems to be needed, rather than these harsh and crude methods!  Could not a simple chimney sweeping device covered in feathers be used?  I dare say, it would be a tad more friendly!

This brings me to believe that there may be a conspiracy among Giraffe proctologists to cause undo discomfort for my brethren Giraffe.

I would truly like to hear what everyone has to say about this subject that brings me deep consternation regarding the growing constipation problem among Giraffes.  Speak up now!  You can’t hold this in forever!  Let it out!

There can be friendlier methods used, and of this, I am certain...

Camels and Reindeer Have Been Used Throughout History in Place of the Noble Giraffe!

I want to bring to light a disturbing revelation that has been brought forth by the research department at the GLF headquarters.

Camels and Reindeer have been used throughout history in place of the noble Giraffe!

Jesus rode a giraffe, but the Hebrews removed it from the bible out of jealousy!

It seems now defunct sandlot organizations of bleeding heart Camel supporters feigning ‘equality’ for humped animals covertly altered the biblical texts of history by inserting the ‘Camel’ as the transport of the three wise men, in place of the Giraffe, who were the true carriers of nobility in those days! Alas, the true comes out! Kings and Queens of old would not have been caught dead on a Camel! The Giraffe was the transport of choice due to our unique reticulated and aesthetically appealing appearance!

Another myth that has come to light is that of Reindeers transporting Santa Claus! A complete lie! Imagine Reindeers pulling Santa’s sleigh! Absurd! The truth is that Giraffes pulled Santa’s sleigh! Indeed! It is true! Reindeer are too easily distracted by their own horns, Santa would never get anything done! Santa knew instinctively that Giraffes were superior, and single minded of purpose! The original Giraffes that carried his sleigh were among our most noble ancestors!

Their names have been closeted into the darks shadows of history due to a conspiracy of drunken elves with neo-fascist purposes to replace our kind with that of mindless animals so as to bring more attention on themselves! Well, I am here to say it did not work! The truth is now out!


The Adventures of Sock Puppet Giraffe


(Humbly edited by Toodles G. Raffe)


As told by the Giraffe Liberation Front, as part of the Giraffe Mystery Theatre conducted as a group event from June 29th through July 3rd, 2010.  This is their version of the story…


                It was a dark and stormy night…


            The Sock Puppet Giraffe looked longingly into the dark, listening to the sounds of the Huffalump who is bringing his friends Oscar and Schlepp to play.  There was a loud crack like the sky had broken open!  Day was breaking!

            The color, he observed, all around him was green.  SPG thought ‘A green sky?  It must have to do

Sock Puppet Giraffe was a legend...

with all the Smarties I ate. I don’t think they agree with me.  I have not seen a green sky in my life.’  ‘Hang on… It is not that the sky is green… it is the green tinted glasses I have on… Strange, I don’t remember putting on glasses…’ 

            The SPG looked in the window, and pondered his newly acquired glasses. ‘Where the hell did they come from?’ He thought.  Just as he was pondering the green glasses, he noticed something else in the reflection behind him.  Something even more menacing… 

            It was a flying rabbit with big teeth looking for the very same green tinted glasses!  As soon as he spotted the SPG, the rabbit knew where the glasses had gone.  The glasses belonged to Bigfoot, masquerading as a flying rabbit, a hairy beast with an Elvis Costello hairdo.  He was not happy that SPG was wearing his glasses, and as he transmogrified into his true form, he let out a guttural growl, and snatched the glasses off SPG’s nose, and then took off at a run down a trail through the woods. 

            So SPG ventured down the trail in casual pursuit, like the good detective he was, until the trail seemed to stop at a dead brick wall end.  As SPG was wondering what to do, he caught a glimpse of Bigfoot through a hole in the wall, and the hairy beast was heading to an even bigger forest with a large bag on his back. 

            ‘Let’s go’ SPG thought to himself.  Climbing through the hole in the wall, he began to walk down the trail and was brutally attacked by a small stationary twig which rested on the ground below.  He tripped, and his nose was smushed. 

            ‘Oh no!’ SPG cried, looking at his nose in a small puddle ‘I look so silly!  Whatever shall I do?  My nose looks like a Baboon’s Bum!’ 

            He quickly forgot his current dilemma when he gazed a little farther up the clearing ahead toward a group of hyenas, who also saw him at the same time.

            ‘Ooooh!’ He said to himself, ‘What to do, what to do!’ 

            He made a decision very quickly. 

            SPG turned around, and ran as fast as he could.  In the distance, much to his surprise, he saw more hyenas!  Remembering he had a potato gun in his knapsack, SPG decided to lock and load. 

            Taking aim at the first hyena, just before he pulled the trigger, he thought ‘Potatos ain’t hard enough for the experimental sewing kit’.  Whatever the hell that meant. 

            Out of the blue he came to another cosmic revelation!  SPG had indeed taken up the offer of that odd looking cigarette that ‘Johnny the Hedgehog’ had offered him not too long before this quest had all began.  Looking around at the sudden arrival of a field of pink and purple mushrooms, spanning to the horizons, SPG began to wonder… ‘Were the hyenas a hallucination?’ as he lowered his quivering potato gun. 

            He took a seat for a short break to arrange his thoughts.  While he was sitting on the ground, he tried a taste of some of the pink mushrooms.  All of a sudden, another cosmic revelation!  ‘Wow!  These mushrooms are magic’ exclaimed SPG.  But to whom was he explaining?  He wondered…

            Then he heard a voice, as clear as Winston Churchill…”If you build it they will come!”  So SPG started building a phone booth, in the middle of the mushroom field, with vaporous hyenas and Bigfoot tracks leading off into the distance. 

            Upon completion, he sat in the phone booth and waited for ‘Them’ to arrive, picking out shapes in the wallpaper as it moved.  First he saw an elephant… and then a kangaroo… and then a small red button!  Being curious, he pushed it.  What followed was none other than an enormous explosion and a blue flash of light! 

            When the dust settled, and the smoke cleared, he realized he was no longer in the booth, but had been transported to a place which looked a lot like Gotham City.  ‘Wow!  These mushrooms have a kick’ he thought. 

            Just then, out the corner of his wide eyes, he spotted a jellyfish tree!  The tree had jellyfish dancing and swinging!  They were bored of their unhappy life, and were saying to the tree “Let me go! Let us go!” Then one of them pointed at Sock Puppet Giraffe.  SPG reached up and released the Jellyfish-fruits one by one. 

            With their tentacles linked, they bowled right alongside SPG at the start of their big adventure, as they headed down the trail.  Together they continued down the dusty path until their path was blocked by a big Giraffe! 

            SPG stopped and wondered about the situation.  Before he could do much thinking about it, the Big Giraffe began speaking: “I am the God of all Giraffes and I have a map for you to follow!  It will take you to the epic gathering of the Bigfoot tribe, a magical assembly where they put lions and hyenas on a spit roast whilst Giraffes dance in celebration, spinning in their own dance and pray the moon to put some cheese on their roasted meat!  It is called paradise, but before you can go you must give me the answer to a difficult question.” 

            Then the Giraffe God vanished, leaving SPG and his friends astonished.  ‘What question?’ thought SPG.  At his feet was a map.  He picked up the map in awe.  He studies its intricate patterns on its illustration of a glorious gate.  ‘Hmmmm’ he pondered ‘The ‘question’ must be hidden somewhere in this picture.  If only I had asked the God Giraffe how to understand it before he vanished!’  He crumpled up the map, and tossed it over his shoulder.

            Suddenly, a strange sound alerted him, and he spun around there was Daniel Flack dressed in spandex, a rainbow wig, and ringing a dinner bell proclaiming “SOCK PUPPET GIRAFFE!  YOU ARE LATE FOR FOOTBALL PRACTICE! Where have you been?” Flack turned to Gerry Giraffe, his good friend standing beside him, also in a rainbow wig, “These guys need some of what we have had Gerry, let’s show them the way to eat space cake.” 

            Gerry Giraffe looked at SPG blandly and said “It will put you into orbit.”  

            Suddenly SPG felt the earth move under his feet and world began to spin around!  He decided to break into a song “I feel the earth – move – under my feet! I feel the sky tumb-l-ing down! – tumbling down!  oh- oh”.   


Sock Puppet Giraffe is a party animal...

The next thing SPG saw was Gerry Giraffe was being dragged kicking and screaming, as Gerry shouted out “MORE CAKE!  MORE CAKE!” He was drug down the trail by Daniel Flack.  Just then, SPG felt a tug on his arm, and there was Garethm, a Meerkat.  “Will you skip practice SPG, and help me look for my red tennis shoes?” asked Garethm.  “I left them in the Wub-Wub tree over yonder hill, and I think the neon monkeys have them now!” 

            So off went SPG with Garethm, and the tentacle entwined jellyfish, over the hill into the middle of a surprised pack of shaved squirrels doing unmentionable things to a dead lion.  They circumnavigated the spectacle, leaving it undisturbed, and headed to the Wub-Wub tree only to find some old socks from a horse. 

            They took the socks, and began looking around for the horse, but only found a unicorn standing there with socks already on.  Then, as if by a sad fate, it started raining, and everyone took cover inside a nearby cave, where they met a bear who claimed he was the actual owner of the socks. 

            The bear demanded the socks be returned at once, and asked for further assistance in subduing the unicorn, which would have nothing to do with the sock removal efforts.  After a time of wasted effort trying to catch the unicorn, SPG and Garethm decided to trick the bear with a gold rock and a great big jar of honey. 

            Garethm carried both with him for just such an occasion, and often used the gold rock to entertain himself when he was alone.  After a time they took the gold rock away from the bear, and left him eating the honey. 

            They then ran off into the rain in search of the Wub-Wub tree, and found it had been eaten by 12 foot tall termites with large green saddles on their backs.  Garethm and SPG jumped on the saddles, just as the rain had stopped, and rode off down the trail hot in pursuit of Bigfoot, leaving their friends the Jelly fish behind.  The Jelly fish collapsed in apathy.

            As SPG and Garethm came around a bend, some distance down the trail, standing in the trail was no other than Bigfoot himself!  His feet were squeezed into the most dazzling pair of heels imaginable!  He walked most delicately in his size 13 Jimmy Choos, it was hard to believe he could ever dance, but there he was moon-walking like Michael Jackson! 

            SPG and Garethm dismounted their termites to find they had fallen into a trap, as a huge trap door opened under their feet and were spinning in free fall!  

            They fell through the darkness and after what seemed like hours they landed smartly on a flying bed which whisked them high into the air, with bed knobs as bright as car lights! 

            They were traveling at what seemed like light speed when out of the darkness extremely bright lights were shining toward them.  What was it?  Their eyes unable to focus, they could hear voices, and they knew that whatever it was,… it was getting closer.  The bed suddenly stopped. 

            Out of the darkness came a sudden ‘swoosh’ of a majestic butterfly that had a mushroom lantern hanging from his beautiful wings!  Slowly, and deliberately, he was changing into his alter-ego ‘Robo-Caterpillar’. 

            The caterpillar paused, and cackled with a crooked smile “Things do not always progress the way you expect them to!  You thought caterpillars turned into butterflies.  We don’t!  We turn into very big machines!  We enslave…”

            Suddenly the caterpillar stopped talking.  Then after a brief silence “What is that sound?” 

            Like a falling torpedo, suddenly Bigfoot slammed into the bed still wearing his designer shoes, apparently having moon-walked through the same trap door.  He went unconscious on impact, but tied to his ear was a note that read: DO NOT TRUST THE ROBO-CATERPILLAR!  HE WILL NOT LEAD YOU INTO A RIGHT MERRY DANCE! 

            Shortly, Bigfoot awoke and pulled out some tap shoes that he had in his bag, put them on, along with a top hat and withdrew a cane and began to tap dance on the bed!  He waved his jazz hands to and fro, along with his cane and bag.  It is difficult to tap dance on an overstuffed bed, and eventually Bigfoot tumbled off ensnaring Garethm with his bag in his clumsiness, and together they fell off into the abyss! 

            SPG was suddenly all alone the bed, and with tears in his eyes he looked up at the floating Robo-caterpillar who menacingly pulled out a giant mechanical digger and stabbed its large scooper in his direction! 

            Just as SPG thought the attack was over, the scoop caused the bed to flip over and tossed grape fruit (where did that come from?  SPG wondered) everywhere!  The robo-caterpillar lost control of his digger scoop as the bed knob of the bed knocked him sideways, and he also tumbled into the abyss.        

            SPG clung to a pillow and a yellow bed sheet as he hung upside down from the overturned bed suspended in space. 

            To his surprise, from out of nowhere, arrived a super-sized Pepsi can with super-human powers!  While SPG hung from the bed sheet, and his life was flashing before his eyes, the supersized Pepsi can drew out a large pull tab and flipped SPG and the bed upright, and then zoomed off into the sunset! 

            SPG sat alone on the overstuffed bed floating in space and wondered… “What is the meaning of Life?”

             Then suddenly an answer came to him: “42”. 

            To him that made total sense.  “That explains everything” thought SPG. 

            He decided to soil the bed, and when he was done, he climbed to the far end of the bed only to discover a lump in the mattress. 

            When he pulled back the sheets, there was a control panel and a large button marked ‘Turbo’.  He pushed it. 

            The bed whooshed off at such a high speed, everything went blurry.  He passed out.  When he came to, he was in the realm of ‘Perfection’. 

            Everything around him looked beautiful.  The sky was royal blue.  The clouds were like balls of fluffy cotton wool.  “Could this be heaven?” he thought?  Then one of the clouds opened up and rain came, and wet him and the bed.  Then after a short duration, it stopped. 

            The rain was followed by a rainbow.  “If everything is perfect, there should be something at the end of this rainbow” he thought, feeling soggy on the now soggy and soiled bed.  Then a thought came to him: “As long it is not Graham Norton!  That would ruin everything!”  (Whatever the hell that means, he thought again…)  

            As he approached the end of the rainbow, the illusion of ‘heaven’ soon faded from his mind, as the ‘perfection’ was clearly a false painted mural on cardboard.  He busted through the fake façade, and found himself in a room of dancing naked bananas with red shoes. 

            The bananas were extremely rude and graphic, and scared the other fruit away.  SPG hit the ‘turbo’ button again on his bed, and aimed the bed straight at the rude banana!  Red shoes… no knickers… ‘BOOM!’ Banana split and mush flew everywhere! 

            SPG was tossed violently from the bed over a wall, and landed to his surprise on a magic mushroom spread eagle looking up at the sky!  His backside was now covered in a blue gooey substance.      

            Suddenly, as if by design, Daniel Flack appeared saying clearly “Them be Chelsea colors Sock Puppet Giraffe!” 

            SPG fainted into his arms. 

            When he came around he whispered ‘Noooooo!!!  Not Chelsea!’ to Daniel. 

            “I am afraid so SPG, but it is not all bad news.  I have a bottle of Jack Daniels to help you relax.  I have two straws and some Dr. Pepper.  What is the worst that can happen?” 

            “I could get pissed and enjoy this experience” said SPG.  “SHIT!  Something just moved near my ass, and it felt good, and I now I am gonna eat it with a tiny moth!”  SPG mopped the sweat off his brown and lit a cigarette. 

            Mr. Flack looked at SPG in a strange way and said “God Damn it man!  Pull yourself together!  I can’t fight these pixies off all by myself!” 

            SPG perplexed, Flack continued “Now go get your Toga!  Stop sitting here naked man!  I mean Giraffe!  Here!  Forget about the blue goo, take this shotgun and start firing!” 

            Just then SPG slipped and fell into a jelly bean slipper. 

            “Damn!” he thought “I’ve dropped the gun, and it is all sticky.  What am I going to do?”

             Suddenly a mystical being appeared in the shape of a fog bank.  It said “I have a message from the other side!”  It handed SPG a piece of worn paper.  He began to read it.  Mortified, he screwed up the message and swallowed it with a swig of Jack Daniels. 

            As soon as he swallowed it, he let out a massive belch!  Out from his own mouth crawled a giant tortoise! 

            “Gosh!  Where did you come from?” SPG said to the tortoise. 

            “Shit!  I was stuck up some bastard’s ass!  Now I want to fly!  ‘Cause I am a liberated tortoise now baby!” 

            SPG though this whole set of circumstances was just too much.  He began to run away from Daniel Flack and the tortoise in a drunken run, only to find his trousers were falling down.  He then fell and got stuck in the largest pile of lion poop he had ever seen, and he cried in dispair ‘HELP!’ 

            As if in answer to his cry, a humongous fly swooped down and gave him a ride!  He was air born again, and this time instead of heading back to the lion poop again, they were headed for ‘Disaster’.  This is about 5 miles left of Croyden. 

            Having stared ‘Disaster’ in the face, they decided to regroup and SPG and his new found friend the fly pulled out bowls of fermented badger urine, and together they started to belt out Christmas carols in July as if possessed by the Croyden Salvation Army. 

            After a time, they decided they would do some crazy dancing, and then decided they would eat pie and chips, with curry cheese to be exact.  They later decided to scoff at the chips, and just drink the wine.  They could no longer remember any Christmas songs, and so they settled on singing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ by Queen, in their drunken state. 

            The fly began to engage in a ritual dance before SPG, called ‘The Spirit of Pinky’ which is named for a small wrinkled descendent of Yoda, from Star Wars fame.  To both of their amazement 100 ‘Pinkies’ appeared and formed themselves into a somewhat wobbling pyramid in front of them. 

            Immediately following an Elephant appeared and sucked them all up her trunk!  SPG started screaming!  ‘I am having a bad day!  I was attacked by a robo-caterpillar, rammed by a banana, got covered in blue goo from a mushroom, drank waaayyy too much Jack, and now I JUST SAW AN ELEPHANT SUCK UP 100 PINK YODAS UP ITS NOSE!’ 

            SPG started running away from the fly and the elephant.  He was thinking as he ran, ‘Things are getting way out of hand!  Where is my fairy godmother when I need her?” 

            “Here I am!” called out a large yet sparkly hippo in a beautiful tutu and tiara. “I’m sorry I am late sweetie, but I really needed my roots done, and it was either you or me honey!” 

            SPG felt relieved all of a sudden.  ‘What are you going to do for me?’ he said. 

            “Well, I am going to treat you to a chocolate massage, yes… A relaxing, calming chocolate massage… It will help clear your mind, and ease your spirit as you my dear one have had a very trying day… But once your massage is done, you have a journey that you must go on with Pinky Bear, and it is a very fun and special journey… But your feet!  Oh my, you need to have a pedicure first!” 

            “WAIT!” cried SPG “WHAT IS THIS ABOUT A JOURNEY?” 

            He paused, collected himself.  ‘No disrespect fairy godmother, but I do not want a pedicure or a massage.  Definitely not one with chocolate, as I have blue goo all over me…  I have been on a journey for over 3 days.  Where am I to go now?  What in the hell could be so important?’ 

            A great mighty hand came out from under the tutu of the fairy godmother as if in a ‘stop’ signal, followed by a mighty voice “DO NOT DISRESPECT THE CHOCOLATE SPG…

            She paused after carefully studying SPG. “You ask what the hell could be so important? We represent the lollipop three, and we have a bone to pick with you about the path that has been taken by you when you should have been in the woods with the hyenas and lions!  Why are you are sitting in this goo?  What kind if an idiot are you taking us for?  Get out there and take care of the hyenas before this whole thing comes to an end!”

            So SPG realized his true calling in life was to get rid of the hyenas and lions and he diligently headed back into the forest to live happily ever after doing just that. 



The Canonization of Gerry Giraffe

We Giraffes who have joined forces together on Facebook have not only formed a powerful organization called the Giraffe Liberation Front, but we also have had our trials and tribulations.  Among our most solid membership stepped forth a giraffe like none other.  His name was Gerry Giraffe.

Gerry was a legend...

In the early stages of the formation of our unified organization, Gerry stepped forth and assumed the role of our ‘High Protector’.  A position that he needed not only his sharp defense skills, but also a set of eyes in the back of his head, as the position placed him in a position of dangers with our enemies.  Who were our enemies you might ask?  Lions, hyenas and crocodiles of course.  The lions of course were the most organized and had their own group of internationally feared assassins that already had marks on the leadership of our organization, myself included.

Gerry stepped forward to protect all the executives in our organization, including myself, for which I am truly grateful.  His keen skill, and swift kicking ability enabled him to thwart many an attack on the GLF high command.  However, Gerry’s dedication, like a steel bridge in a hurricane, could not withstand the onslaught indefinitely. 

In January of 2010, Gerry was abducted by a lion front group headed by a rouge lion named ‘Al Quando Mange’.  This group tortured Gerry, and

Gerry Giraffe during his abduction; a hostage photo.

attempted to interrogate him on the whereabouts of the GLF headquarters, and the hidden location of our senior commanders around the globe.  What they did not estimate correctly was the steadfast defiance that Gerry demonstrated, despite their many attempts to torture him. 

Gerry not only withstood the brutality, but he also managed to pass along hidden clues about his location that allowed the GLF to rescue him and effectively kill all the lions involved.  All, that is, with the exception of Al Quando Mange, who managed to escape and whose whereabouts remain unknown to this day.

In later years, Gerry continuing in his role as our high protector, began secret espionage trips to hunt down Al Quando Mange and his newly formed Giraffe hate group called ‘Giraffes Are On the Menu’ also known as ‘GROM’. 

At one point Gerry was gone so long on one of these excursions, rumors bounded around the internet that he had disappeared much like Elvis, and his legend grew. 

He eventually returned as a reluctant folk hero among the Giraffes, and other creatures who had now rallied with the GLF in universal liberation.  It was during this time period that it happened.  Gerry died.  Presumably killed by lions, who left no remains, we at GLF headquarters even placed a headstone on our front lawn. 

Gerry however, elusive as ever, returned from the grave and even though he has been replaced as high protector remained on as our ambassador to the undead.  Gerry now had connections to the otherside, which made him even more fearsome to the enemy than ever before.  However, with all the international pressure from other groups seeking similar protection, and countless writers wanting to pen his biography, Gerry became even more daring in his attacks on the enemy.

Gerry Giraffe will be canonized as the first saint of the Giraffe Liberation Front movement.

It proved to be fatal.  On one winter morning, Gerry took on some video game manufacturers that were trying to produce video games that depicted Giraffes being eaten by lions.  Gerry became furious, and destroyed all of the hard drives, and software.  In his fury, he burned down the building, and left it in ruin.  However, before he could escape the rubble, it collapsed on him and Gerry was lost to us forever.

Recently, I wrote the Pope at the Vatican and asked him to Canonize Gerry Giraffe as the first Giraffe Saint.  The response was all but encouraging.  I was told that because Gerry was not human, that he had no soul, and therefore could not be canonized under Catholicism.  Knowing this was a long shot, and knowing that Gerry was anything but enamored with this religion, we moved to another plan.

We at GLF headquarters decided to Canonize Gerry Giraffe ourselves.  So the Canonization of Gerry Giraffe will occur this summer sometime with a large drinking party and naked dancing party.   As befitting the GLF, and to make our saints different from those seen in Rome at the Vatican, we have elected to depict our saints with a wavy halo, as a symbol of our irregular purity as Giraffes.

For security reasons, the location will only be disclosed to those that join the Girraffe Liberation Front on Facebook, either on the fan page or group page.  Thank you.

Soon he will be known as 'Saint Gerry Giraffe' our most prized asset.

Questions I Can’t Answer

Throughout my life as a little Giraffe, I have had many an adventurous time.  However, there are many questions that I have been asked that I have no answer to.  Here is a list.  See if you can find an answer for me:

How do I answer these questions for the not so bright?

“Whatever possessed you to bring dead rodents into church, and fling them over the heads of the congregation young one?”

See what I mean?  How in the hell do you answer that?  Here is another one:

“You wouldn’t happen to know why there are cheetos and rubber ducks floating in your niehgbor Mr. Crumpke’s unearthed septic tank, or why there are muddy foot prints leading to your door  Mr. Raffe?”


How about this one:

“So you expect the court to believe that your slapping that police officer across the face with a frozen salmon coated with grease was an expression of endearment?”

You see.  There are just questions in life I cannot answer. 

Really, how to do I explain any of it?


What are some of the questions you face that you can’t answer?

I mean there are people that just cannot begin to understand where I am coming from, and so how can I bridge the gap and even try to answer their questions?  They are unanswerable really.

So those are just a few of the questions I can’t answer.  I am sure you have a few yourself.  Mine kind of run philosophical and deep, but so be it.

I am really not interested in trying to answer questions I can’t answer.  So why bother even dwelling on it?

Giraffe Eroticism

Let’s talk about Giraffe eroticism for a moment.  People are scared to talk about Giraffe eroticism publically, but let’s face it.  Women dig Giraffes.  They like our tongues, and franky they are turned on by our reticulation and our horns.  It is really okay to admit. 

We Giraffes know it, and are okay with it.  It does not mean that we

Giraffe Eroticism... Ladies, just relax and calm down!

 will venture into cross species relations, but it does mean that we do not mind the attention. 

Grovel if you must, but please stop trying to deny it.  You dig us.  That is a fact.  That being said, here is a selection of some of my favorite moments sent to me from my fellow Giraffes that we have secretly taken of you… 

So let your inhibitions run wild and don’t hold back anymore, okay?  We know our reticulation patterns turn you on.  Quit trying to hide it!  Just let it loose, and get some neck!  No need to be nervous.  Just relax.

Giraffes at the Bull Fights

You know that people do not often invite Giraffes to the bull fights in Spain.  Do you know why?  Because we as Giraffes are tremendous in the ring.  We can whoop a bull in seconds. 

It does not draw a crowd after the first time, because we stomp them so fast.  Thus, you never hear of it.  It becomes a ‘non-event’ in the annals of history.  So just keep that in mind.

We Giraffes whoop ass at bull fights...

Some parties are hard to remember…

Have you ever been to a party that you found hard to remember the next day?  I have been to a few… well okay, I have been to a lot I do not remember.  Some are memoriable when they are happening, and others are downright stupid.  Most of the time, you want to forget, because it was so stupid. 

Oh boy, was that a party or what?

There is truth to say about the party that cannot be remembered is a party worth forgetting. 

However, sometimes I wake up from a party and I wonder… ‘What really happened?’  Like the time I was arrested for ‘salmon slapping’ a police officer.  Now that was one crazy evening, and I had lots of drunken witnesses that backed me up, and said it was a form of giraffe greeting, and the judge was easy on me. 

I only got 6 months probation from that, and I had to pick up the salmon.  However, I think there are some people out there that have done far worse than I did, and some that experience far worse than many ever do.  Seeing is believing I suppose, and that is why I have included some facinating pictures to go along with this blog entry on the subject of foggy party memories. 

As the founder of the Giraffe Liberation Front, I have established our own unique brand of international celebration

You really wonder how some things happen...

 called the ‘Naked Reticulation Party’ which has become somewhat famous.  However, without some photography now and then, most of the highlights of these events are somewhat foggy themselves.  Most of the crazier stuff happens in England, where the GLF really go overboard there. 

Other locations such as South America are also big party hotspots.  Our GLF’ers hail from around the globe, so when you see a new report of underwear in a strange location, you should probably figure it was a result of one of our celebrations. 

Anyway, do you have some party you barely remember?  If you do, I invite you to leave a comment on this post and tell me about it.  I am always interested in learning new techniques from a fellow party animal.  Sometimes it gives me just a new story to tell others. 

Keeping my reputation going as a Giraffe on the edge puts me in some strange company at times, and I also witness some very bizarre things.  I hope you have enjoyed the photos here. 

Oh yeah! That suit looks good! Nice bow tie!

The Underwear Tree

You know there is a natural occurance right after a Naked Reticulation party that ‘Underwear Trees’ show up all over the world.  This recent party held last Saturday is not an exception. 

The glorious symbol of freedom: The Underwear Tree.

Being a sort of ring leader for this mischief, and I admit that I have engaged in producing a few underwear trees in my time, I would say it is time to consider this a new art form.  Much like the urinal crucifix that gained so much government support in the 80’s, so should the underwear tree be given a much higher profile against such works of art like the Mona Lisa and the works of Picaso. 

My thoughts on the underwear tree is that is takes a group of very committed participants to produce such a masterpiece.  I like them.  They are original and in some cases worthy of supreme admiration.  Sometimes it takes stretching underwear to extremes in order to produce the desire effect, and this shows both balance and poise.  Additionally, the contributor generally has to deal with breezy conditions as they make their sacrifice. 

I like underwear trees...

This morning, as I awoke from yesterdays all day celebration I found I too was lacking my underwear.  My thoughts go to the underwear tree.  I am sure I was an unknowing contributor to some underwear tree, and I am okay with that.  I went walking this morning, and found a few underwear trees in my neighborhood. 

I like underwear trees.  They are symbolic you might say of a liberated people, much like a patriotic flag or fireworks display.  Underwear trees are essentially a safe alternative, and I encourage everyone to create one.  Go out there today and let everyone know you support Giraffe Liberation or are a member of a liberated people, and create your own underwear tree.  It is completely natural for you to do it, and you will feel good about it, even if you are a little breezy in the nether regions.

What is Naked Reticulation?

Many people may be asking themselves: What is Naked Reticulation?  Well, let’s first start by defining ‘Reticulation’.  Reticulation according to Webster’s Dictionary is “A network of web-like pattern” or “An arrangement resembling a net or network”. 

Naked Reticulation is Unity

The pattern of a Giraffe is often referred to as ‘Reticulation’.  However, to us in the Giraffe Liberation Front, ‘Reticulation’ has a dual meaning.  It is our network of friends criss-crossing across the globe, always looking out for each other.  It is a symbolic word of our brotherhood. 

So when one talks about ‘Naked Reticulation’ it is more than just taking your clothes off.  It is showing to all the world that you are connected, and a member of our brotherhood exposed to the world.  We hold parties everytime our group on Facebook reaches another 100 members, and we encourage members to go out for one day or sometimes several days in a row and celebrate our unity in reticulation. 

It is really about ‘letting out your inner Giraffe’ or on a more broader sense ‘Bearing to all that you are proud of your relationship with the international network of free beings’.  Our membership consists of all kinds of people and animals from across the world.  We do not deny membership unless you are a lion, hyena, crocodile or zookeeper.

We celebrate our brotherhood.


Of course a greater percentage of our members are Giraffes, but we have ambassadorships for all our members species whenever there is a need.  So when someone sends you an invitation to join us in celebration of ‘Naked Reticulation’, we are asking you to do more than just take your clothes off (which many members do). 

We are asking you to remember and celebrate our network and friendship, and take a moment and say ‘Cheers’ to all your friends worldwide.  That is what Naked Reticulation is all about.  Here ends the lesson.

The Milkbox Giraffe Ad

You know, even Giraffes turn up missing sometimes.  Don’t become a Milkbox Giraffe!  Join the Giraffe Liberation Front on Facebook, and be counted!  If you turn up missing, and you are not a member, how will we know to look for you?

That Giraffe is My Brother

Rock on Brother!

You know I am a proud founding member of the Giraffe Liberation Front.  My fellow GLF members are my brothers.  I do  not care how they behave, or what they do.  Be they political, radical or just plain senseless, they are my brothers and sisters.  We are united in Giraffe Liberty and we will do the opposite of what you expect. 

We are not your zoo keepers caged Giraffe, nor are we pets.  We are the Giraffe Liberation Front.  So piss off!  WE ARE A UNITED INTERNATIONAL FORCE!  We take our stand against all things that cruel to Giraffes worldwide, and we do not tolerate Giraffe abuse of any kind.  We have been known to protest zoos, and even may be responsible for a few zoo breaks now and then. 

Giraffe, you are my brother!

So join us or fear us, whatever suites your fancy.  We are the reticulated army of many, and few.  When you hange with us, you are not walking on the dark side or the light side, but more like the ‘orange’ side.  We do things our own way, and we party like you never dreamed. 

We can kick your ass at football, and knock you off your feet from 200 yards with a flying salmon.  We are the unexpected, and the crazy.  We are the liberated Giraffes that stand for freedom!  You do not have to be a Giraffe to join us, just be a supporter and let out your own inner Giraffe and we will gladly except you. 

If you are a lion, hyena or crocodile, do not expect our friendship.  Sorry, but we have your number and know your game.  Not playing that one.  So that is a quick summary of who we are, and I am sure other GLF members will expand on points I have omitted here. 

Join the Giraffe Liberation Front!

The Legend of the Dinosaur Giraffes

Many do not realize that Prehistoric Giraffes were once the dominant species on planet earth.  Yes, it is true!  Dinosaur Giraffes once ruled the world, and all would quiver when they tromped about!  These dinosaur Giraffes were the ancient ancestors of modern day giraffes, and were more dangerous than the hollywood famous T-Rex. 

Our ancient ancestor was fierce and could stomp things...

If you can imagine a huge Giraffasaurus tromping around with his long neck, and roaring!  He would scare anyone!  There are depictions in history books of our proud ancestor, and some people in the modern day have saw fit to build replicas of this fearsome cousin.  So if you wonder why Giraffes are so strong and organized against lions, it is because we at one time used to eat them and stomp them into the earth like little bugs! 

Evolution made us into more swift and graceful bodies, different from our ancient cousins, but the attitude is still with us!  We can roar when we want to, and we can stomp and we can bite things.  So be careful when messing with Giraffes, as we might suddenly revert to instincts deep within our subconscious, and become very dangerous.  Take that as a warning lions!

A tribute to our ancient cousin!