Watch where you point that thing!

Whoa! Watch where you point that thing!

You know some folks have a problem. They point things at people that they should not, and then they regret it later. Like a flaming cow. Who the hell would point that at anyone? I mean I am rude, and sometimes take it to new levels, but come on!

I sometimes pour water on my neighbors driveway when it is 20 degrees outside to make my slip and slide when he is not home. I don’t point the hose at anyone, because I know it will freeze people. I tried it on his cat once, and that did not go well. (Had to put up warning signs on his driveway so he would not roll over it as a speed bump.)

So when people go crazy and point crazy stuff it bothers me. I do not know how you feel about this, but I don’t always like it.

Take a look at some of these things people have pointed at others and comment as you will.

About Toodles G. Raffe

I am a Giraffe with radical views about the world. I do not expect to get into heaven without picking the lock, so if God is watching, the least I can do is be entertaining. View all posts by Toodles G. Raffe

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